March 2024

Our Smart Plugs & the upcoming spring
21 août 2024 par
Zoe Nechvatal
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Nancy was one of our spark plugs - even before we were more than a glimmer on the horizon. One sunny afternoon Jean, Ann Marie, and I were recalling some of the stories we had heard about " the old times" in Olmsted Falls. A most serendipitous moment occurred as Mrs. Nickels came by. We asked her if she could help answer some questions we had about Olmsted Falls. She was most kind and glad to tell us a few things. Later, I ran into her and Mrs. Jocke. They said there are nice historical societies in the area and they had things they would like to donate but wanted them to stay in Olmsted Falls. This was the spark that started our Historical Society of Olmsted Falls: have a small, local historical society. Whatever the Historical Society did, Nancy was involved - if not having inspired the event. then in encouraging those who did. When I would ask her ideas she would always say " Well, Bill, let me see and I'll see what I can come up with." - and she always did. Look at pictures of our activities we've had and Nancy is not only there, but she's usually leading it. It is because of her and other original members, i.e. pre-World War Two era residents, that inspired us to start the historical society. To them it meant more than a collection of events and items, it really was for preserving their way of life. With the loss of Nancy it was truly a last connection to a time gone forever. We may be lucky enough to preserve books and physical items but more importantly we are preserving a way of life. Thank you, Nancy, for all you have done for us. 


Mrs. Yesenko was a founding member - quiet, unassuming and always ready to help.. She was one of our many "fall-back" to members - always ready to assist with what she could. She always had her smile which brightened the event up.. We do appreciate all her help and encouragement especially when we were getting organized. Thank you for your support. 


When the Historical Society was looking for a stone for a memorial. Mr. Holstein donated the wheel outside the Olmsted Falls County Library branch. Each time you enter or leave the library you pass the stone which Mr. Holstein donated. It is a permanent tribute to Mr. Holstein and the memory of our military. Thank you, Mr. Holstein, for your generous gift.


The United States Navy rotates commanding officers every two years. During our existence we were lead by a wonderful first president: JEAN JOHNSON and, with the help of Mayor Donegan (then councilman) she built a solid foundation and lead us through unchartered With the help, devotion, and never quit attitude of Joan and Ralph Jocke, Nancy and Bill Nickels, Bob and Shirley Hecker, Clare and Amelia Harding, Mayor Robert Blomquist and many others here we are eighteen years later. Thank you, Jean, for all you did for us. 

Jean was our Founding President in the early 2000's (officially 2006) but that doesn't include the years of hard work setting everything up beforehand: At Jean's home and Ann Maries' home figuring out what would be needed. They were interesting times contacting different establishments. historical societies and gathering information about historical societies. In 2006 it all came together and we were established. 

In 2016, Jean retired. It was time for a new president. I do thank you for your trust in me. Unlike Jean, all the hard work was done and it is mostly keeping things on an even keel. Eight years is a long time and in December,2023, we elected Patti Thompson our third president. 

Patti has so much energy, enthusiasm, and so many good ideas. Your continued support and help have meant so much to us over years. It will help the new crew immensely. With her supporting officers she will do a great job. I did say during the adjustment period I would be glad to assist. She graciously let me do the two official forms for 2023, appoint our delegate to the Southwest conference; and have the Happy Birthday, Ohio! March 1. All these things seem daunting but really aren't bad. As the new crew gets assimilated they will be all set for the future. 

As of March 6, OFFICERS for 2024 

President: Patti Thompson 

Vice President: Lois Rowland 

Treasurer: Barb Wehe, Ellen Martin 

Secretary: The president can not be treasurer or secretary. 


Most States require three board members (we need three): Usually President, Secretary, Treasurer 

If anyone would like to be on the Board of Directors, please let the HSOF know. It usually gathers once or twice a year. 


Provide direction for the organization (Those who lack objectivity)

Establish policy Govern the organization (People who are all talk and no action)

Believe in the mission (Those who are conflict averse and people who are not team players)


Federal Form (for 2023) 

State Form (for 2023) 

Continuing Existence Form (filed in 2023 -GOOD FOR FIVE YEARS (until 2028)) 


Delegate appointed for Southwest, 2024 Zoe Nechvatal 

Once again, thank each and every one of you for all your help over the last eight years. It has been an honor to try and preserve a way of life.

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