December 2021

The Tiniest Christmas Miracle
August 21, 2024 by
Zoe Nechvatal
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December 2021,
On November 4, 2010, we found a four month old kitten living by the rubbish can in East River Park. We took him to the vet and he was in good condition so for the first time ever a kitten came home. We named him Autumn, In 2012. Dr. Blaha thought that Autumn would like to have another cat to play with. (Autumn has Sunshine a dog and they get along well but Sunshine is not the type to do too much playing!) The vet happened to know of a cat that needed a home. We saw the cat, adopted her and named her Sabrina. At the time Sabrina was nine and wanted to play like I wanted to shovel the snow - a necessary task but not
necessary something we want to do.

In 2014, Sabrina got another brother - Daley. Mayor Donegan had rescued him and very graciously asked if we could foster him. Well, some kind people are good at fostering but when the time came for him to leave - well, he is here!

Sabrina chooses her own places in the house and is quite content to watch the squirrels and birds from the window. She certainly has her ways! Every evening at suppertime she appears at 4:30 p.m. sharp - more accurate than a clock. At 10:00 p.m. she comes out and reminds us that it is time for her evening treat. She has done this every day for years. About a year ago there was a small change. She would come out but not quite as punctual. We went to the vet and something wasn't right. The vet said there were tests and procedures that could be done but they would require giving her a sedative. Being 16 neither the vet nor I wanted to do this. They would do blood tests and other non-invasive things. Suffice it to say she was losing weight and we do what we can for her. About ten days ago she didn't come out in the evening. She went to the vet and her regular doctor was off. The vet who did see her said she weighed 6.7 pounds and just suggested that she could be put to rest in the office.

Being a different vet I explained to her that if at all possible it would be better to be done at home because this was the fifth house Sabrina had been in. The APL said she was returned three times (why, none of us know because she is so kind and gentle). The last person just turned her loose on the streets! Fortunately Purr-fect Companions Cat Shelter in Lakewood found her. We saw her and brought her home.

The vet was very understanding and gave us the number of a vet that would come to the house when the time would come. Sabrina came home and ate a little and slept by the furnace. She ate sparingly but did drink water. I told a few people of the situation and some came to see her. Christine came Thursday. This past Sunday Mary Ann and Chris came to see her. They stayed with her awhile then left. When I came back in there was Sabrina in the kitchen- the first time in over a week Then yesterday I came in from outside and she was resting on the couch - one of her favorite places. She was a little more like her old self.

Anyway, having had numerous little ones pass away this was truly a miracle. I always asked it there could just be one more day like the old days and this Christmas it was given to us with Sabrina. As this is being written (December 8) she has been in the living room just like the old days. How long she will be with us we don't know but I am so thankful that for a few days we have been given "the old days" back. We take so much for granted and then it is gone. 


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